Experiential Sessions

Experiential Sessions - Invitation to Authors for Submission of Papers

Experiential session is a new introduction in LTC2023 as an opportunity for LIS professionals wishing to share their hands-on experience in using an array of assistive technologies in improving the existing library services or in introducing new library services. The conclave program planners feel that papers on technology topics are insightful and engaging when presented by authors who are closely involved in the implementation of technology tools/ products/ services in their institutions with significant value addition by the library in the implementation and usage promotion process.

Mentorship support to Authors: A unique feature of this session is mentorship by the members of the program committee. Papers by authors selected by the program committee, based on the synopsis of their paper, will be mentored by one of the program committee members designated for every experiential session. We have planned 8 sessions (4 parallel sessions) of 1 hour each, with 3 papers in each session, to give adequate time for the authors to share their experience. The mentoring process is expected to ensure the quality of the paper.

Presentation by Authors and Publishing the Paper

Authors desiring to participate in this session are required to send a synopsis of their work (in not more than 1,000 words) they propose to present and showcase in the session. Authors of selected synopsis are paired with a mentor to develop the presentation of their work. Selected list of presentations rated above a threshold score by an expert panel will be published as papers in a special issue of the SRELS Journal of Information Management to be released in April 2023. Authors of selected presentations for publishing should complete and submit their papers by 7 February 2022.

Here below, we list a wide range of topics and technology tools of relevance to this session and invite papers from authors on the implementation of specific tools and technologies in any of these areas to share their experience through their papers and presentations.

Experiential Sessions, Mentors and Topics for Authors to identify focus area for their Papers

Session # and Theme and Mentor Facets
1 Library Service Platform. Library Discovery Systems, Integrated Library Workflow, Future ILSs, Interoperability Standards, API and Libraries
Dr. T. S. Kumbar, Consultant, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
2 Data Deluge Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, Linked Open Data (LOD), Data Reconciliation, Big Data in Libraries, ODbL-based Data Sources, Automated Metadata Creation
Dr. Madhan Muthu, Director, Library Services, OP Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana
3 E-Resource Management ERM systems, ERMS and ILS integration, Licence Management, Open-Source Solutions like CORAL. Interoperability in ERMS, Digital Access Brokers
Dr C Jaykumar, Librarian, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
4 Innovative Library Services and Promotions Hybrid Library Management, Enhanced library Retrieval, Recommender Systems, Digital marketing, Mobile Library Services, Quality indicators for libraries
Dr K. Rama Patnaik, Librarian, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
5 Web-enabled Library Systems Cloud-based Systems and Services, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Network Analytics, Library analytics, Usage Statistics, and domain Standards
Dr Santosh C. Hulagbali, University Librarian, Central University,
6 AI/ML applications Natural Language Processing, Text analytics, Named Entity Recognition, Retrieval metrics, Areas of AI/ML applications: Bots in Reference Services; Indian language text corpora, managing Accessibility
Ms. Neeti Saxena, Librarian, British Council Libraries, New Delhi
7 Open Access (OA) and Libraries Integration of OA in Library, OA Interoperability, Open Science Framework (OSF), Plan-S, One Nation–One Subscription Model
Dr G. Mahesh,
8 E-learning and Libraries Virtual Learning and Libraries, Libraries in e-learning workflow, Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI), Virtual Learning Models, Integration of Library’s curricular collection or OPAC with the campus e-learning system
Prof. Jaideep Sharma, Indira Gandhi Open University, New Delhi

Representative List of Technology Tools and Standards implemented and used in Libraries

There are many technology products, tools, standards, and protocols that libraries have been familiar and implemented around the world including in India. Here is a representative list of such tools, listed in alphabetical order, for the reference of authors looking forward to contributing their papers on any such tools, including but not limited to those listed below.

Instructions for authors for presenting the paper

  1. The reported initiative should be novel and innovative in nature.
  2. The technologies as communicated must either be implemented or be in their pilot/prototype phase.
  3. If the implemented technology is in the nature of a licensed/purchased commercial product/service, like a discovery service, there must be significant and noticeable value addition by the authors of the paper in the implementation process of such technology products/services, such as integration with local discovery systems like OPAC, Institutional Repositories, etc. which should be reflected in the paper
  4. The selected contributed paper must be presented in the respective experiential session of 60 minutes each, with time slot of 12 minutes/paper. There shall be only 3 papers for presentations in each session, allowing enough time for audience interaction with authors.
  5. The lead author of the selected contribution needs to register for LTC2023 to present the paper in person.
  6. A program committee member designated for each session, will mentor each author of his/her experiential session to fine-tune the reporting and presentation of the chosen contributed paper on a specific theme.
  7. A  synopsis (within 1000 words) describing the key features of the presentation and the target theme is to be communicated within the stipulated date.
  8. Selected Synopsis (selection process will be communicated in due time) will be considered for presentation in the respective experiential session.
  9. The full paper must be within the limit of 3,000 words (including abstract and references), and be written by following the format, style, and reference standards of the SRELS Journal of Information Management (https://srels.org).
  10. All selected contributed papers will be published in a special issue of SRELS Journal of Information Management in the second issue of 2023.
Important Dates
Proposal/Synopsis Submission by Authors 28-Dec-22
Notification for proposal selection 4-Jan-23
Mentor interaction period 4 Jan-23 to 14 Jan-23
Final submission of the presentation slides 31-Jan-23
Final submission of the contributed paper 28-Feb-23

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