Informatics Outstanding Researcher Award


Informatics Outstanding Researcher Award

Nomination Terms & Instructions

Last Date for Filing Nominations is 20th January 2023

  1. Informatics India Limited has instituted an award to an outstanding researcher from India in the field of Information and Library Sciences with the objective of promoting and supporting research in this dynamically evolving discipline.
  2. We invite nominations/applications for this Award.
  3. The deadline for the nominations/applications is 20th January 2023
  4. The research contributions published during the twenty-year window (2001-2020) will be the basis for consideration for the Award.
  5. Please file your nomination online by submitting/uploading the following three documents.
    • a. Google form giving brief details about you.
    • b. Your CV outlining your:
      • i. Academic qualifications and credentials;
      • ii. Work experience history (Please list all your past employment/work details);
      • iii. Specific topics (s) of specialization within the discipline of Information and Library Sciences; (mention maximum three topics of your major research focus in the last 20 years (2001-20)
      • iv. Research grants received (if any) and;
      • v Awards and recognitions; and
    • c. Complete bibliographic listing of your publications (2001-2020) in APA style along with DOI. Indicate in this bibliographic listing, the publications:
      • i. falling within your area of specialisation (s) mentioned in your CV [5.b.iii];
      • ii. as an outcome of your funded research.
        Note:Do not include publications before 2001 and after 2020
  6. Submit your nominations online. 5.b and 5.c to be uploaded as attachments.
  7. Nominations/applications received within the deadline will only be considered.
  8. The Award carries prize money of Rs. 1 lakh, plaque and certificate
  9. This cash award is to support the international travel to attend an international conference (identified/approved by Informatics)
  10. This cash award is to be used for travel to participate in conferences held during the years 2023-25.
  11. Eligibility criteria:
    • a. Open to researchers working in India only, in the fields of Information and library sciences and technologies;
    • b. People below the age of 50 years (those born before 1972 are ineligible);
    • c. Exclusions: The persons working in the institutions/libraries hosting and organizing LTC2023 will not be entitled to participate in this award nomination.
  12. The following types of publications are considered:
    • a. Papers published in peer reviewed journals;
    • b. Papers published in peer reviewed and published conference publications;
    • c. Published books and book chapters.
  13. The researcher applying for the nominations should register as a delegate and attend the LTC2023.
  14. A Board of Jury is constituted to review, assess, and select the most qualifying nominee for the Informatics Outstanding Researcher Award. The decision of the Jury is final, and no discussion on the outcome will be entertained.
  15. Registration for the award signifies acceptance by the nominee of all details, terms, and conditions outlined in this document.
  16. Though quality of research and research paper would be the main criteria, productivity of the researcher will also be considered.
  17. Quality will be measured in terms of the following criteria:
    • a. Only peer-reviewed journals and conference papers will be taken into consideration;
    • b. The prestige and ranking of the journal and the conference series will be considered. CiteScore and such journal ranking would be used;
    • c. Books (research monographs, non-textbooks, and collected and edited volumes only) will also be considered;
    • d. Number and quality of citations received would be an important factor;
    • e. Due weightage will be given to joint/shared and single authorship publications;
    • f. Researcher Metrics including measures of esteem such as research grants and awards would also be considered;
    • g. Altmetrics would also be appropriately considered.
    • h. In addition to the above, the topic, novelty and innovation, and such factors will also be considered
  18. All information provided by the nominee should be accurate and truthful. Any inaccuracy or false information discovered after granting the award will lead to rescinding the award.

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