
Library Technology Conclave – LTC2021

Sessions Speakers YouTube Link
Day 1 : January 27, 2021
Inaugural Function Inaugural Function
Inaugural address Prof. K. Vijay Raghavan,
Principal Scientific Adviser,
Govt. of India., New Delhi
Conclave Keynote Prof. Tony Hey,
Chief Data Scientist,
Science and Technology Facilities Council,
UK Research and Innovation, London.
Day 2 : January 28, 2021
Tech Session 1:
eScience and the Fourth Paradigm in Research
Dr. Ram Ramaswamy,
Adjunct Professor,
IIT Delhi.
Tech Session 2:
Open Science and Scholarly Communication
Rob Johnson,
Founder and Director,
Research Consulting, Nottingham, UK.
Tech Session 3: Cyber Infrastructure and Big Data Analytics Keynote: Dr. Vasant G Honavar,
Edward Frymoyer Endowed Professor of Information Sciences and Technology,
Pennsylvania State University, USA
Day 3 : January 29, 2021
Tech Session 3 :
Cyber Infrastructure and Big Data Analytics
Dr. Vasant G Honavar,
Edward Frymoyer Endowed Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Tech Session 4: Research Data Management Keynote:
Prof. Cinzia Daraio,
Department of Computer, Control, Management & Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Day 4 : January 30, 2021
Tech Session 5: Social Media and Research Keynote:
Dr. Abhinanda Sarkar,
Adjunct Faculty, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
Tech Session 6: Health Informatics Keynote:
Prof. Raza Abidi,
Director, Health Informatics, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Canada
Case Studies in Innovation & Valedictory Session Chief Guest:
Prof. V N Rajasekharan Pillai,
Vice Chancellor,
Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai.

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